Blood donation: a hematologist's opinion on the benefits and risks.
Donation is a voluntary and very necessary event. Complex operations or childbirth, large blood loss, blood cancer or hematological abnormalities: sometimes in such cases, the best medicines and doctors are powerless without a blood transfusion. There are not enough donors in Russia. According to statistics, there are only 15 donors per 1,000 people who need a transfusion. There is a misconception that donation is dangerous, or not for everyone, or the blood type is not rare, and therefore not necessary. We will try to find an answer to all these misconceptions and myths, and also talk to a hematologist to find out if there is really a danger in blood donation.
1. Барнаульский Центр Крови /
2. Требования к донору /
3. Мифы о донорстве /
4. American red cross /
5. Кто может стать донором? / https://xn--d1acjfofc8a.xn--p1ai/donor?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0oCDBhCPARIsAII3C_EQ0__vG4Q9JHfCRo6iRIEFafICUfosBZALHyWRMQ85X8Y2GK50kTsaAk4uEALw_wcB
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