Level of health awareness (physical activity, dietary habits) and its sources among teachers of secondary education
This study has an objective to know the level of health awareness and sources among teachers of secondary learning and to achieve that studies have been done on a selected sample spontaneously two hundred teachers of society of this research contains 861 teachers, according to the statistical study of management education in the wilaya of Mostaganem and Relizane, representing 23.22% of the original company a theory has been used and it is suitable for this type of study the tool of the research was applied and comprises 30 paragraph which represent three field: lament the personal health and physical activity and sport. And (8) special sections for health information. After the distribution of the sample survey of research we have gathered and then poured the study statistically while using a scan tool.After the analysis of the survey results and the comparison with the assumptions, students researchers concluded that the level of general health awareness among the people sample is average and mediocre in the field of sport and physical activity, and sources that teachers take their health information are media means.
It is therefore necessary to make collective efforts at all levels, local, regional and global, to promote health awareness through educating the community, training officials, developing their sense of health awareness
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