• Pavel Snezhitsky Grodno State Agrarian University Email:
  • Nikolai Gruzd Yazyl Secondary School named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Polovchenya Gavriil Antonovich Email:
Keywords: pupils, physical education, competitive activity, motor activity, motor culture


In recent years, the problem of ensuring sufficient rational motor activity of children and adults in the rural community has become increasingly urgent. It requires specialists in the field of physical culture to be in constant search of new forms and methods of organizing physical education, primarily by means of extracurricular activities as having freedom of choice in achieving the tasks set. The purpose of our article is to present the results of pedagogical research, as well as the experience of the establishment of general secondary education in the preparation, organization, conducting sports competitions and participation in district, regional and republican sports competitions. Methods and organization. The study was conducted as part of a pedagogical experiment for three academic years from 2017 to 2020 on a contingent of 34 students who were part of the school’s national teams in most types of the Republican Sports Contest, which covers both cyclical and game sports. It allows students to constantly be in an active mode of preparation for competitive activities and direct participation in it throughout the school year. This circumstance contributes to an increase in motivated motor activity aimed at improving their motor culture. The result of the study was a model of the formation of the motor culture of the individual in the process of preparation and participation of school teams in competitive activities of various qualification levels. Conclusion. The implementation of natural behavioral and motor algorithms for the formation of motor culture of students during the performance of various types of competitive activities during the school year, allows to significantly increase the level of their physical fitness and functional state at a more effective level while strengthening the emotional and volitional lability of the individual. The article will be useful both for teachers of physical education and other specialists in the field of sports and mass work.


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Author Biographies

Pavel Snezhitsky , Grodno State Agrarian University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Nikolai Gruzd , Yazyl Secondary School named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Polovchenya Gavriil Antonovich



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How to Cite
Snezhitsky P., Gruzd N. AGONALITY AS A MEANS FOR FORMING THE MOTOR CULTURE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 40-52. URL:
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