• Sergey Poluboyartsev Vyatka State University Email:
  • Ivan Poluboyartsev Vyatka State University Email:
Keywords: boating, kayaks, ecological state, monuments of nature and architecture, river water samples, microbiological and antioxidant activity, bivouac


Water kayak tourism provides an opportunity to engage in scientific, historical and active tourism. This direction for extracurricular work with schoolchildren is very valuable: along with the acquired skills of driving kayaks and organizing a bivouac, environmental studies are carried out, children get acquainted with the monuments of nature and architecture of their small homeland: the Kirov region. The aim of the work was to study the ecological state of the river. Vyatka from the village of Krasnoye to the city of Orlov, Kirov Region in 2021. During the research, the following methods were used: chemical express analysis, methods for determining the microbiological and antioxidant activity of water samples, a method for mathematical processing of the results. The following settlements were along the route of the expedition: settlement Krasnoe, settlement Korchemkino (Novovyatsky district of Kirov), Kirov, village Girsovo, pos. Murygino, Goltsy village, Korzhavino village, Orlov town. During the expedition, 7 water samples from the Vyatka River were taken and analyzed: all water samples did not meet the SanPiN requirements for natural water in terms of the content of carbonates of organic pollutants; microbiological activity of MBA in the Vyatka River near the villages of Goltsy and Korzhavino, the lowest MBA is in Murygino (a paper mill is in operation); the highest antioxidant activity of AOA in the Vyatka River near Girsovo and the village of Goltsy, the lowest AOA in the village of Korzhavino. Comparison of the data of three kayaking expeditions in 2014, 2018 and 2021 allows us to conclude that the water quality in the Vyatka River has improved in Kirov near the old bridge, in Murygino and Goltsy, at other points of water sampling (Girsovo and Orlov) worsened.


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Author Biographies

Sergey Poluboyartsev , Vyatka State University

Senior Lecturer Department of Physical Education

Ivan Poluboyartsev , Vyatka State University

1st year student Faculty of Physical Education 


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How to Cite
Poluboyartsev S., Poluboyartsev I. CANOE EXPEDITION AS ONE OF THE WAYS TO STUDY THE ECOLOGICAL STATE OF RIVERS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 114-119. URL:
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