Вoard sport games as a means of adaptive physical culture in education and recreation of students with disabilities and limited health opportunities

  • Elena Novichikhina Altai State University Email: nowichihina_lena@mail.ru
  • Aleksandr Andrianov Email: vyzemsky@bk.ru
Keywords: adaptive physical education, adaptive physical recreation, sports table games


In recent years in Russia there have been significant changes in the field of education and organization of recreation for children with disabilities and limited health conditions (hereinafter referred to as DHD). Tabletop Sports Games (hereinafter referred to as NSI) are quite actively developed in recent years and introduced into the practice of use by the All-Russian Society of the Disabled (hereinafter referred to as VOI), a Russian organization that unites people with disabilities. NSI can be used not only in the sphere of adaptive physical recreation as one of the forms of organizing active recreation for people with disabilities, but also in the sphere of adaptive sports - organizing competitions of different levels. The analysis of using NSI with this category of students is presented in the article. Specificity of use of NSI as in education - as a section of the working program of discipline "Elective disciplines of physical training and sports" for students with physical disabilities (adaptive physical training), and in the sphere of adaptive physical recreation is revealed. The basic tabletop sports games and their brief rules of play are considered. A number of suggestions for the use of NSI in the organization of adaptive physical recreation of students are presented. Conclusions are formed.


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How to Cite
Novichikhina E., Andrianov A. Вoard sport games as a means of adaptive physical culture in education and recreation of students with disabilities and limited health opportunities // Health, physical culture and sports, 2023. Vol. 30, № 2. P. 13-17. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/13048.
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