The article analyzes historical information on human life expectancy, provide verified data from the June 2023 issue of the Guinness Book of Records. The authors point out the main factors contrib uting to human long lifespan. According to many researchers, the greatest influence on human life expectancy is not the genotype and climatic conditions, as previously thought, but the lifestyle with all the components of this concept. The main components contributing to a positive result in solving the problem of longevity are, first of all, regular physical activity, mainly in the fresh air; healthy diet with a significant amount of fruit and vegetables; a reasonable work-rest regime. The great importance for keeping healthy in old age is also a positive mental attitude, which is achieved by the love and attention of their relatives, neighbors and other people, a sense of their purpose and involvement in all family and social matters. People can live long enough – up to 150 years or more. The biological age, at the same time, can be 2 or more times less than the chronologic age. Given current conditions, when physical inactivity and other evils of our times are becoming global, it is possible, according to the authors, to improve health and extend the active longevity duration by increasing the importance and role of physical culture in every person’s life. For this purpose, it is necessary to teach children from an early age to fulfill all the necessary requirements of a healthy lifestyle, to form strong skills and abilities in this area among the younger generation. A crucial role in solving this problem can be played by parents, school teachers, university professors and medical workers, who can interact with people of various age groups and motivate them to do the right actions that promote health and longevity.
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