The sportsmen psychological characteristics are an important component of their results. In this article the five-factor personality inventory was used to analyze the data. 118 respondents, who are representatives of team and individual sports, took part in the survey. Athletes, regardless of their team level, had the qualities of «extraversion», «attachment», «selfcontrol» and «expressivity». The highest score was found in athletes from the All-Russian national teams. There is also a tendency for athletes to express qualities such as calmness, relaxation, emotional comfort, self-sufficiency, and emotional stability. Differences in several criteria were identified, taking into account age and gender. In particular, according to the criteria of «attachment – isolation» and «self-control – impulsivity» in the age group of 14–17 years, the result was slightly lower than in the groups of 10–13 years and 18+ years. In addition, a statistically more significant tendency towards emotional stability and self-sufficiency was revealed in male athletes. An analysis of the results was also carried out, taking into account the division into groups according to the characteristics of the leading activity of the presented sports. The analysis of the results also took into account the division into groups based on the characteristics of the main activity in the presented sports. It was revealed that representatives of cyclical, coordination or game sports have more pronounced criteria of «extraversion» and «expressivity», martial arts and bullet shooting – «self–control» and «practicality», chess players – «emotional restraint». This paper shows the importance and practicality of using this methodology to monitor the psychological aspects of athletes.
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