Currently, the problem of hypokinesia and health of modern man is becoming increasingly relevant in the world community. The conditions of ergonomic comfort of work and leisure created on the basis of scientific, technical and information and communication achievements over the past quarter of a century have significantly reduced the level of its motor activity. Nevertheless, the need for an effectively functioning musculoskeletal system has not lost its importance, since the long stay of most people in sedentary positions requires strong trained muscles that ensure the maintenance of postural balance in the isometric mode. This scientific work is devoted to the search and testing of available means of pedagogical control and assessment of the function of skeletal muscles that ensure the maintenance of correct posture during everyday work and leisure activities. The article presents the results of a study of the functional state of the human muscular corset based on the technique of individual rank of static performance of an individual using the example of residents of rural regions of Belarus. The study found that the level of skeletal muscle function in providing postural balance has age-related dynamics according to ontogenesis, but if in the male half of the surveyed population it is within the normal range (IR% - 51.93 ± 9.34%), then in the female - much lower (IR% - 4.00 ± 16.83%). The data obtained indicate the presence of certain conditions in the rural biogeosociocenosis that negatively affect the development of skeletal muscles in representatives of the rural community of Belarus. This allows us to reconsider approaches to the formation of the motor environment of the rural community in order to identify among them those most conducive to strengthening the postural muscles and thereby ensure the correct posture and health of girls, young women and women.
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