• Ekaterina Trushkova Vyatka State University Email:
  • Alexey Trushkov FKU DPO Kirov IPKR FSIN of Russia Email:
Keywords: individual approach, students, physical education, sports, physical abilities


This article considers an individual approach as an effective tool to increase students' motivation to engage in physical education and sports. The relevance of this topic in the scientific literature is due to the problem of low physical activity of young people, especially in modern educational institutions. The research is aimed at identifying goals, objectives and methods that can help improve students' motivation to engage in physical education. One of the main problems faced by higher education institutions is the lack of motivation of students to engage in physical education and sports. Many students do not realize the importance of physical activity for their social well-being and health, which leads to a decrease in their level of physical fitness and activity. An individual approach in physical education is an approach to each student that helps them realize their uniqueness, unlock their potential and realize themselves. The essence of the individual approach is to create such educational conditions that contribute to the formation of positive student attitudes to physical culture, their self-awareness and self-development. An important aspect of this approach is to support students in the process of self-education and self-improvement, which in turn contributes to health promotion and increased physical activity. When applying this approach, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of each student, his interests and needs, which makes classes more interesting and unique. The article also presents specific indicators for improving students' physical fitness. They are achieved thanks to an individual approach. The results of the fulfillment of control standards, such as leaning forward from a sitting position, pull-ups on a high crossbar and a long jump demonstrate positive dynamics in the physical training of students. This indicates that an individual approach can significantly increase students' interests in physical education and sports. Thus, an individual approach to physical education not only helps to increase the motivation of students, but also forms a stable habit of physical activity in them. This has a promising effect on their quality of life and health. In today's society, where physical education is becoming increasingly important, the introduction of such approaches into the educational process is a necessary step towards creating a healthy and active generation.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Trushkova , Vyatka State University

teacher of the Department of Physical Education

Alexey Trushkov , FKU DPO Kirov IPKR FSIN of Russia

senior lecturer of the department of combat, physical and tactical-special training


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How to Cite
Trushkova E., Trushkov A. INDIVIDUAL APPROACH TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 36, № 4. URL:
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