Innovative health technologies in sports activities

  • Константин Георгиевич Томилин Email:
  • Александр Николаевич Кислицын Email:
Keywords: pyramid, research, oxidative and energy metabolism, mitochondria, GDV camera


At the end of XX century. Yu.A. Andreev put forward a figurative vision of «The floors of our health», where the bioenergetics of the human body serves as the «first floor», providing energy-information exchange with the environment. In the Sochi laboratory «Physiology of active longevity» a series of experiments was conducted, using a 5-meter pyramid of the village of Krasnaya Polyana, to determine the effectiveness of health technologies (on the first floor of health). The effect of pure spring water before and after the stay in the pyramid on oxidative and energy metabolism in isolated mitochondria (MX) in norm (animals and humans) and pathology was investigated when the MX function was disturbed by the blood serum of sick patients by the method of G. P. Gulidova (1980). Bioenergetics of MX isolated from liver of rats was studied by polarographic method. Spring water, which received irradiation in the pyramid, positively influenced the oxidative and energy metabolism in isolated mitochondria in norm and pathology. The rate of oxygen consumption MX and respiratory control under these experimental conditions are 15,9% and 27% higher, respectively. Fixed patterns of gas-discharge imaging of energy-emission processes of fingers (using the GDV camera) 32 subjects who visited the pyramid showed improvements (p<0,05) in 50 indicators. With parallel use of water activated in the same pyramid, a greater efficiency (64 indicators) of complex effects on humans (p <0,05) was revealed.  The developed technology of spring water activation can find wide application in providing drinking water to the leading sportsmen of the country at the training camps of the South of Russia («Yug-Sport», «Karelin Center», «Olympic Park», sports facilities of Krasnaya Polyana, etc.), and will help accelerate the recovery of athletes after heavy training and competitive loads.


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Author Biographies

Константин Георгиевич Томилин


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физической культуры и спорта. Сочинский государственный университет, ул. Советская, 26-а, Сочи, 354000, Россия. E-mail:



Александр Николаевич Кислицын
доктор биологических наук, заведующий лаборатории «Физиологии активного долголетия», оздоровительный Центр «Пирамида», п. Красная Поляна, 354392, Россия. E-mail:


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How to Cite
Томилин К. Г., Кислицын А. Н. Innovative health technologies in sports activities // Health, physical culture and sports, 2018, № 2(9). P. 128-139. URL:
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