Аnalytical assessment of the regime moments of elementary school students

  • Halina Igorevna Holubnichaya National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Email: galj6566@gmail.com


The article presents information on the formation of the main regime moments of pupils in the secondary school in the process of adaptation to the new conditions of their life. The aim of the work was to conduct an analytical assessment of the dynamics of changes in the daily regime of schoolchildren studying according to the principles of meritocratic education, living in a large industrial center. Under supervision, there were 89 children, during two years of training. The data were obtained using the “Methodology for assessing the daily regime” for primary school students. The questionnaire contained questions about the organization of the time the child was in school and at home, special attention was paid to such sensitive moments as doing morning exercises, the level of formed brushing skills, the duration of a night’s sleep, the time for outdoor exercise, the duration of homework, visiting sections, extra classes, etc. This article provides indicators that have significant differences in learning dynamics. The results of dynamic observation of students in the process of their adaptation to educational activities are given. The main factors that influence the health of children are identified, including: increased mental load, insufficient physical activity, nutritional deficiencies, disturbances in rest, sleep, and other aspects of living conditions that lead to deviations in children's health and reduced functional body capabilities


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Author Biography

Halina Igorevna Holubnichaya , National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Assistant of the Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Freedom Square. Junior researcher at the department of the scientific organization of medical care for schoolchildren and adolescents of the State Institution Institute for the Health of Children and Adolescents of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Holubnichaya H. I. Аnalytical assessment of the regime moments of elementary school students // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 2(13). P. 39-44. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/5615.
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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