Joint exercises as a means to improve the technique of execution of movements kids with hearing impairment
In this article we prove the possibility of problem of correction of violations in the technique of movement of children with hearing impairment due to train mobility in the joints. Our target setting was not the desire for the maximum possible increase in the volume of movements in the joints, we aimed to teach children to control movements of multi-link biomechanical system. It is established that violations of the auditory sensory system have a negative impact on the technique of movements, which is mastered by younger students in the classroom of physical culture. The study was conducted with the participation of 10 children of primary school age with different types of higher nervous activity. The selection of subgroups leptosomal and aurisomal body build had passed with use of the index of Rohrer. There were no children with a strong nervous system among schoolchildren, for the rest of the children algorithms were developed taking into account the peculiarities of the body and the type of nervous system. The study was conducted at the lessons of physical culture during the school year in the Center of education № 44 Cherepovets. Evaluation of motor readiness allows us to conclude about its low level in children of primary school age with hearing impairment at the stage of ascertaining experiment. The authors analyze the results of the systematic use of single- and multi-joint exercises as a means of providing appropriate kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the main movements, taking into account the physique and type of higher nervous activity. It is shown that the success of the use of articular gymnastics is ensured through the use of two unrelated constitutional features. There was revealed the improvement of the technique of jump, smooth and shuttle run in children in all typological groups at the stage of the control experiment. However, the normative nature perform basic movements achieved while maintaining the individual variations do not distort the technique of their execution. However, the normative nature performs the core movements in the presence of small errors do not distort the technique of execution of movements. Children need further training to improve individual confounding variations. We didn’t manage to eliminate misalignment of the movements when carrying children complex motor activity, difficulties continued rapid switching movements, change of direction, differentiation of movements. According to the results appears to be a promising inclusion of a larger number of kinesiological exercises in joint exercises with the goal to develop complex coordination skills and hemispheric relationship interaction in children with hearing impairments
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