• Irina Fedorovna Kharina Ural State University of Physical Culture Email:
  • Южаков Андрей Сергеевич Ural State University of Physical Education Email:
  • Inna Sergeevna Dyakova Ural State University of Physical Education Email:
Keywords: Google Forms, : students, athletes, daily regime, attention span, Toulouse-Pieron test, students, athletes, daily regime, attention span, Toulouse-Pieron test


This article presents a study on the relationship between the stability of attention and the mode of the day for students of the university of physical culture, in conditions of combined physical and mental stress. As an argument of relevance, studies of psychophysiologists and educators are given. Objective: to study the effect of the daily routine on the sustainability of students' attention. The results of the proofreading test – the Toulouse-Pieron test were the basis for the differentiation of students. To study the effect of day regimen on attention span, we studied the time allotted for night sleep and walks, as well as the number of workouts, the analysis was carried out based on the result of a survey using Google Forms.

A psychophysiological study was conducted in the 2018 – 2019 academic year. 58 students took part in the survey, the average age was 18.0 ± 0.5 years, different levels of sportsmanship (masters of sports – 2, candidates for the master of sports – 7, 1 category – 5, 2 categories – 5, 3 categories – 3 ) Ural State University of Physical Education. The average values of sustainability of attention were 1.08 ± 0.09 conditional units. Analysis of questionnaires made it possible to identify the risk group by the parameters of the day regimen, namely 68.97% of students spend at night for less than 7 hours on weekdays, and 31, 03%. – on a weekend. Walks at 17.24% on weekdays and 13.79% on weekends are 30 minutes or less. 55.17% and 37.94% train once a day (on weekdays and weekends, respectively), 37.94% of students do not train. In this group, the average values of attention span amounted to 0.70 ± 0.16 conditional units. They are included in additional psychophysiological studies within the framework of monitoring the health of students conducted at the Research Institute of Olympic Sport.

The study will be continued in the aspect of studying the influence of immersion in the media space on the properties of students' attention, expanding the range of psychophysiological methods, as well as the development and recommendations for correcting the day regimen taking into account all the features of training in high school physical culture


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Author Biographies

Irina Fedorovna Kharina , Ural State University of Physical Culture


Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Researcher at the Research Institute of Olympic Sports


Южаков Андрей Сергеевич, Ural State University of Physical Education

Yuzhakov Andrey Sergeevich

Student , full-time department, faculty of health technologies and sports medicine 

Inna Sergeevna Dyakova, Ural State University of Physical Education


Student  faculty of health technologies and sports medicine



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How to Cite
Kharina I. F., Андрей Сергеевич Ю., Dyakova I. S. STUDYING THE EFFECT OF THE DAILY REGIME ON THE STABILITY OF ATTENTION AT STUDENTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 38-47. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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