• Emilia Iosifovna Savko Belarusian State University Email:
  • Alexandra Alexandrovna Smagina Belarus State University Email:
Keywords: Students, mental performance, bad habits, emotional state, sleep


The article discusses the mental performance of 2–3-year students of the geographic department of the Belarusian State University in the lungitual period. The student day is saturated with impressive intellectual and emotional and stressful overloads - all this, without exception, can become a factor of fatigue, which accumulates and becomes mental fatigue.

Any dynamics of efficiency is characterized by a combination of three basic phases: the phases of activation, the phases of stable performance, and the phases of drop in performance. With a typical training period of 7–8 hours (with a lunch break in the middle), the dynamics of working capacity can be represented as follows: the pre-lunch shift period starts from the start-up phase, continues to the sustainable working phase, and ends, respectively, with a decrease in working capacity by the end of the day. The data were obtained through the use of computer testing "Automated system for assessing the level of mental performance", developed by Kulikov V.A. The study was conducted in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Scientifically proven on the phases of health and their daily dynamics. In most people and adolescents, the activity of the physiological systems increases from the moment of the morning awakening and reaches an optimum between 11 and 13 hours, this has been revealed in our research. And then, there should be a drop in activity followed by its relatively less lengthy and pronounced rise in the interval from 16 to 18 hours. Such regular cyclical changes in the activity of physiological systems are reflected in the daily and daily dynamics of mental performance.

The considered data allow us to say that mental habits are influenced by the introduction of harmful habits, stressful situations, and lack of, and excess sleep


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Author Biographies

Emilia Iosifovna Savko , Belarusian State University


Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sport


Alexandra Alexandrovna Smagina , Belarus State University


student of Belarus State University 3 courses of the Faculty of Geography


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How to Cite
Savko E. I., Smagina A. A. LUNGITUDINAL STUDIES OF MENTAL WORKING CAPACITY OF STUDENTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 61-72. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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