• Tatiana Gennadievna Volkova Altai state University Email:
  • Nikolay Nikolaevich Veresov Monash University Email:
Keywords: physicality, image of the physical self, self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-concept, one’s self-concept


Ɗe subject of the research presented in the article is the image of the physical Self as a speciĘc phenomenon of self-awareness. Ɗe image of the physical Self is considered as an integrative process in the context of the psychology of health. In this study, we studied the self-attitude to the image of the physical Self in the process of comparing the subject’s characteristics of external attractiveness with a social standard, in the process of rećective self-esteem. Ɗe results of a pilot project focused on the study of qualities that indirectly reveal the subjective representation of a person about his body are presented. Ɗe article shows that the images of the physical self are considered in psychology as fundamental elements of self-determination. Ɗey have a systemic eşect on how the individual processes information regarding his image. Ɗe attitude towards oneself at the level of biological health rećects the projection of the attitude towards one’s self at the level of psychological health. Ɗe subjective image of the physical self of the person contains ideas about how to achieve the desired result, plans and strategies. Ɗe results of a pilot study focused on qualities that indirectly reveal the subjective representation of a person about his body are presented. Ɗe empirical base of the study was 82 students who did not have a pronounced somatic or mental pathology, aged 18 to 20 years, of which 64 were girls and 20 were young men. Mathematical processing of the research results was carried out in the STATISTIC program. Using the Student’s t-criterion, three groups of respondents were compared: respondents who exercise regularly and practicing sports, respondents who plan to exercise, and respondents who do not plan and do not want to exercise and do not exercise. A correlation analysis was conducted on the types of attitude to the body between girls and boys, which revealed dişerences in each group. Ɗe results of a pilot study showed that high assessments of functional characteristics positively correlate with the developing attitude of students to their own bodies, the index of psychological health of the person and have a high personal value.


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How to Cite
Volkova T. G., Veresov N. N. PHYSICAL IMAGE OF I STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 70-78. URL:
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