Ɗe article is devoted to the phenomenon of school bullying. It highlights the problem of bullying risks in the educational environment. The article describes the research design of population screening as a diagnostic method for school bullying. An analysis of the facts and risks of bullying in a school team is shown on the example of empirical statistics of one of the schools. An experimental research plan using SMOB and ORB questionnaires is presented. Ɗe description of test statistics of age norms from grades 6 to 11 is given. Empirical and normative diagnostic indicators are compared by gender and age. Ɗe age peaks of the bullying and the targets of insecurity are indicated. Dişerential statistics of the diagnostic proĘle of the school and class for assessing types of bullying, bullying victims and bullying situations are presented. A comparison of the results of the SMOB and ORB questionnaires is given, including their psychometric relationships. High data coherence in the test battery is shown, experimental dependences of ORB scales and SMOB indicators are investigated. Ɗe result is a mathematical model for computing the psychological and pedagogical predictors of bullying risk in the educational environment. Ɗe main statistical conclusions of the work:— Ɗe school bullying risk index has a sex/age nature.— Ɗe types of school bullying are independent of the gender and age group.— Ɗe indicators of social psychological safety are the predictors of bullying risks.Ɗe practical signiĘcance of the work is the targeting of bullying prevention, implemented through anti-bullying programs. In particular, control of the dynamics of group processes (cohesion / disunity, information openness / isolation, mutual assistance / autonomy, social / personal distance, vertical / horizontal connections, coordination / subordination in the student-student, student-teacher system). Ɗe results of population studies based on the material of school bullying questionnaires are more predictive in assessing the psychological and pedagogical predictors of bullying. Ɗey do not cover the variability of individual cases of victim and deviant behavior from clinical experience. Ɗe variance of integral statistics of bullying indicators, according to national surveys, also indicates intraschool and interschool dişerences. It should be considered while developing and implementing anti-bullying programs.
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