• Todorka Valkova Petrova Institute of Food Preservation and Quality — Plovdiv (IFPQ) Email: dorrapetrova@abv.bg
  • Milena Metodieva Ruskova Institute of Food Preservation and Quality — Plovdiv (IFPQ) Email: mmruskova@gmail.com
  • Nikolay Dimitrov Penov University of Food Technologies Email: npenov@yahoo.com
  • Kristina Atanasova Ivanova Institute of Food Preservation and Quality — Plovdiv (IFPQ) Email: kriss_k@abv.bg
  • Maria Marianovna Momchilova Institute of Food Preservation and Quality — Plovdiv (IFPQ) Email: masha821982@abv.bg
Keywords: Optimization, Extrusion, Apple pomace — wheat semolina blends, Response surface methodology


Apple pomace — wheat semolina blends were extruded in a laboratory single screw extruder (Brabender 20 DN, Germany) with screw diameter 19 mm and die diameter 5 mm. Central Composite Rotatable Design was used to optimize the extrusion parameters of the mixture for obtaining instant product. EŸects of apple pomace content in the blends, moisture content, screw speed, and barrel temperature on the speciǺc mechanical energy, total color diŸerence, hardness, and water absorption index of the extruded products were studied. Response surface methodology with combinations of apple pomace content in the blends (10, 30, 50, 70, 90 %), moisture content (17, 20, 23, 26, 29 %), screw speed (120, 150, 180, 210, 240 rpm), and barrel temperature (130, 140, 150, 160, 170 °C) was applied. Feed screw speed was Ǻxed at 70 rpm. Źe compression ratio of the screw was 3:1. Źe temperatures of the feed and II-nd zone were 150 and 160єC, respectively. Źe criterion established to determine the optimal extrusion conditions of the apple pomace — wheat semolina blend was to Ǻnd the conditions leading to high values of water absorption index, and low values of speciǺc mechanical energy, hardness, and total colour diŸerence. Optimization was carried out by the superposition of several contour surfaces of competing responses. Źe response surface plots were generated for interaction of any two independent variables, while holding the value of all the rest as constant (at the central value). Moisture content from 22 to 26 %, content of apple pomace from 30 to 50 %, barrel temperature of 150єC, and screw speed of 180 rpm could be recommended as optimal extrusion conditions for obtaining an instant product from apple pomace and wheat semolina


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How to Cite
Petrova T. V., Ruskova M. M., Penov N. D., Ivanova K. A., Momchilova M. M. OPTIMIZATION OF EXTRUSION PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF APPLE POMACE AND WHEAT SEMOLINA EXTRUDATES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 212-219. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7099.
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