• Gabor Ivan Zsivanovits Scientic secretary of Institute of Food Preservation and Quality Email: g.zsivanovits@canri.org
  • Maria Georgieva Marudova Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Email: margo@uni-plovdiv.bg
Keywords: edible film, composite film, chitosan, essential oils, grape seed oil, hydrophilic properties, rheology


e increased requirements for high quality and extended shelf life of fresh and  minimally processed fruits in the recent years has helped forward the development of some innovative  techniques to keep the natural and fresh look of the food for as long as possible while ensuring it’s  safety. In this context formulation of new composite edible coating is a promising way to ensure fruit  quality for a longer period. In this study hydrophilic and mechanical properties of composite edible lms from chitosan  and grape seed oil have been determined. Due to its biocompatibility, nontoxicity and antibacterial  activity, chitosan is a preferred polysaccharide for the production of edible lms and coatings.  Grapeseed oil is high in vitamin E and phenolic antioxidants. It is also a rich source of omega-6  polyunsaturated fats. Mechanical experiments of the edible lms were done in tensile mode at constant deformation  rate using the LS 1 (Lloyd Instruments) Universal Testing Machine. e break point, mechanical  losses and relaxation parameters were determined. It was found that the increase of the grape seed oil content reduces the water holding capacity of the edible Ęlms, hence their hydrophobic properties are enhanced. At the same time the oil addition reduces the Ęlm strength and they become more brittle. Adding oil at concentrations up to 2 % results in an increase in the Young’s modulus. At higher concentration a decrease of the Young’s modulus is noticed. When the oil content increases, it plays a role of plasticizer, which enhances the viscosity properties of the material. As a result of the plasticizing eĭect of the oil, the stress and the relative deformation at rupture decrease, the equilibrium stress values decrease aNer the relaxation process, therefore, the visco-elastic behaviour with full relaxation of the tension is increased. Ɗe broadness of the relaxation time spectrum decreases when the oil content increases.


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How to Cite
Zsivanovits G. I., Marudova M. G. RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CHITOSAN EDIBLE FILMS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 220-227. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7100.
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