We present in this article a part of a project of international interdisciplinary teamsthat have been cooperating with each other for quite a long time and effectively solving problemsand tasks in the quality of life related to the health of people of different ages.To study the medical aspect of health self-esteem health behavior of students based on data frommedical examinations.Students from universities in Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia were the object of study (n =2998 people). The survey of students was carried out on the basis of key general approaches of theHealth Saving Program in the period 2013–2016, in Russia 2013–2018. The questionnaire related tostudents’ health-preserving behavior in terms of attitude and participation in medical examinations.The results were summarized after conducting medical examinations through teamwork. Groupsof students were formed to assess their health from very good to very bad, regardless of country ofresidence. The most numerous (over 40 %) was a group of students, assessing their state of healthas “good”. The second largest group was designated their health as “average”. At the same time, thecategory of respondents from Belarus and Russia was significantly more significant in comparisonwith students from Poland and Ukraine (P1.4–2.3 <0.001). A third, small group of students ratedtheir state of health as “very good”. This cohort was represented by students from Poland (almost aquarter of respondents), students from Russia (11.6 %) took an intermediate position, then studentsfrom Belarus and Ukraine (P2–1.3.4 <0.001).The category of students who rated their health as “bad” and “very poor” was less than 5 %.Among the respondents from Russia, the category “very poor” was completely absent. Using theexample of Russian students, a positive correlation was established between the frequency of medicalexaminations and self-assessment of the level of health (R = 0.63, P <0.001, n = 413).Annual medical examinations gives students the opportunity to regularly receive objectiveinformation about their health, forms an adequate self-esteem, gives confidence in their physical,psychological, social, spiritual functioning and is a component of such an indicator as quality of life.Self-esteem and health value determine the health-saving behavior of leaders — students ofmedical and pedagogical universities.
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