Traditional nutritional disorders are invariably associated with a shortage of nutrientsof different levels: animal proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids.The imbalance of the diet inevitably leads to the emergence and development of nutritionaldiseases, leading to a decrease in efficiency, and, consequently, competitiveness. In athletes ofhigher achievements, in people leading an active lifestyle, the problem of nutritional deficiencies isaggravated by an increase in their expenses due to an increase in the level of metabolic processesduring muscular activity, which is accompanied by psycho — emotional stress. One of the effectivemeasures to maintain the stability of body systems is nutrition correction using dietary supplements(BAA), which are successfully used in sports practice to maintain a high level of physical performanceduring the preparatory and competitive periods, to activate recovery processes after the end of thecompetition, as well as when pairing –training activities. However, there is a shortage of domesticsports nutrition products, including dietary supplements, an insufficient level of substantiation ofnew developments, evidence of their effectiveness and safety.The article discusses the main classes of sports supplements, their classification according totheir effectiveness, the purpose of the intake and the main effect on the body of athletes, as well asmethods of administration and dose.
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