• Daria Vladimirovna Kharina South Ural State Medical University Email: kharina.i.f@list.ru
  • Yan Vitalevich Latyushin Ural State University of Physical Culture Email: dokchel@mail.ru
  • Irina Fedorovna Kharina Ural State University of Physical Culture Email: kharina.i.f@list.ru
Keywords: students, athletes, daily regime, social networks and messengers, concentration, Toulouse-Pierre test, Google Forms, Pearson linear correlation coefficient


This article presents a study on the relationship of concentration and daily regimeamong students of the Ural State University of Physical Education in conditions of combinedphysical and mental loads. As an argument of relevance, studies of doctors, psychophysiologists, andeducators are given. The purpose of the research is to study the characteristics of concentration instudent athletes depending on the organization of the daily regimen. A psychophysiological studywas conducted in the 2018–2019 academic year. 99 students took part in the survey, the average agewas 19.19 ± 0.15 years, of different levels of sports qualification (masters of sports — 7, candidatesfor masters of sports — 19, 1 category — 15, 2 category — 13, 3 category — 6).The results of the proof test — the Toulouse-Pierre test were the basis for the distribution ofstudents. Five groups showed accuracy indicators for express methodology: 62.62 % showed highaccuracy, 22.22 % good, 10.11 % normal, 4.04 % low accuracy and 1.01 % pathology.For studing the influence of the day regimen on attention stability, we studied the time allottedto social networks and instant messengers and night sleep on weekdays, the analysis was carried outaccording to the results of a widespread survey using Google Forms. In the researching group, 27.28 %of student athletes spend more than six hours a day on social networks and messengers, 36.36 %of respondents indicated 4–5 hours, 2–3–34.34 %, and 2.02 % — less one hour. The linear Pearsoncorrelation coefficient was r = –0.023. 12.12 % of students noted that night sleep lasts 3–5 hours, 41.41 % on weekdays sleep 5–7 hours,44.45 % — 7–9 hours, 2.02 % of respondents indicated that they have a night sleep more than 9 hours,the linear Pearson correlation coefficient was r = 0.13.Students-athletes who showed low results in the accuracy of the Toulouse-Pierre test are includedin additional psychophysiological studies as part of student health monitoring conducted at theOlympic Sports Research Institute.The research will be continued in the aspect of studying the effect of immersion in the media onthe duration of night sleep, as well as the development of recommendations for correcting the regimeof the day, taking into account all the features of training at a university of physical education


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How to Cite
Kharina D. V., Latyushin Y. V., Kharina I. F. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATION OF ATTENTION OF STUDENT ATHLETES DEPENDING ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE DAILY REGIME // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 446-454. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7133.
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