• Olga Sergeevna Gurova Altai State University Email: o-gurova@bk.ru
Keywords: temporal orientation of personality, chronic somatic disease, past, present, future


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problems of the time perspective and its influence on the choice of a person’s own life strategy both among foreign ones (L. Frank, K. Levin, P. Fress, J. Nyutten, V. Lens, F. Zimbardo) and domestic ( L.V. Borozdin, I.A. Spiridonov and others) psychologists. Based on the theoretical analysis, the relevance for modern scientific and psychological research of the issues of temporal perspectives and orientations of the individual in particular, and psychological time in general is emphasized. The relevance of an empirical study of psychological factors associated with the course of chronic somatic disease, namely, the temporal perspective of the individual, is also determined. Since the situation of a chronic disease itself leads to the destruction of habitual activities, attitudes and personal relationships, and the duration of the disease has an adverse effect on a person suffering from suffering. Within the framework of the article, methods (questionnaire, methodology «Questionnaire of a temporal perspective» F. Zimbardo, methods «Scale of a temporary installation» by J. Nutten, U-test Mann-Whitney) are identified, the main results of an empirical study conducted in 2019 aimed at identifying features of the time perspective of people with chronic diseases. Thus, using the time perspective questionnaire F. Zimbardo, we identified the leading temporal orientations of respondents with chronic diseases – «positive past», «fatalistic present», and also obtained the specificity in temporal orientations on «negative past» and «future». Also, using the method of «Time Scale» by J. Nutten, significant differences were identified in the emotional attitude to their own past, present and future among respondents with chronic somatic diseases. The results obtained are analyzed in the context of confirming and supplementing the results of other studies of this kind (K.N. Abakumova, T.D. Vasilenko, A.V. Selin, I.M. Nalesnaya, Yu.I. Frolov). The practical significance of the study is also traced within the framework of the article, since the obtained data can be used by various specialists (psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, etc.) to provide timely psychological assistance and to accompany the course of chronic somatic disease.


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Author Biography

Olga Sergeevna Gurova , Altai State University

Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of social psychology. Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia. E-mail: o-gurova@bk.ru



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How to Cite
Gurova O. S. FEATURES OF THE TIME PERSPECTIVE OF PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC DISEASES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 5, № 5(16). P. 14-24. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7216.
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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