• Sorokin Sergei Anatol'evich Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism Email:
  • Arshinnik Sergei Pavlovich Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism Email:
Keywords: long jump, run-up velocity, takeoff technique, ground contact time, takeoff angle, takeoff velocity, vertical takeoff velocity, horizontal takeoff velocity, center of gravity


The need for research in athletics is determined by the constant change in the ways and nature of performing competitive exercises. So, over the past fifteen-twenty years in athletics jumps significantly increased speed and speed-power component in the overall biomechanical structure of the movement. This requires a change of vision and approaches to the conduct of the training process.

On the other hand, the improvement of measuring equipment, which now allows to determine numerous technical and biomechanical characteristics in various athletics disciplines with great accuracy, allows to optimize the training process, make it more rational. However, a large amount of information complicates the process of perception of the most important and necessary for the work of the coach and athlete details of technology and screening of less valuable.

In the proposed work, the analysis of different structural parameters that make up the technical performance of the long jump in men and women of different qualifications, measured in the course of several competitions, is carried out. In this case, the substantiation of the most significant, according to the authors, numerical characteristics of the long jump is given. In particular, it was found that there is an interdependence between the speed of the run-up in the last steps and the resulting speed of departure and, therefore, the result of the jump.

The study authors also note some differences in jump technique between men and women. So, in women of different qualifications, there is no serious difference between the indicators of vertical speed when leaving the place of repulsion, the indicators in the angle in the knee joint when setting the leg and achieving the best result are also not so significant.

In General, the analysis of the published studies allowed to draw conclusions that instrumental methods have determined the most significant indicators of technical and special physical fitness of long jumpers, both men and women. However, with a large number of fragmentary studies of the long jump technique, serious long-term studies of biomechanical indicators on a representative contingent of athletes in this type of athletics based on the latest measuring technology is still not enough.


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How to Cite
Sergei Anatol’evich S., Sergei Pavlovich A. INTERRELATION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF BIOMECHANICAL PARAMETERS OF RUN-UP AND TAKE-OFF PHASES IN ACHIEVEMENT OF RESULT IN LONG JUMPS (analysis of the latest research by Russian and foreign authors) // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 5, № 5(16). P. 130-137. URL:
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