An important condition for the rational programming of the training process is the variety (variability) of classes. This provides for the alternation of loads, individual microcycles, various selective orientation, unequal in volume and intensity. Objective: to analyze the features of using the principle of variability in the process of skill formation in sports. Research methods: theoretical – analysis of scientific sources, methods of analogy and comparison, synthesis and generalization; experimental – pedagogical observation. Variability and orientation are observed in the types of training load, depending on the age of the athlete. So, in particular, in practice, after a series of intense trainings, the so-called unloading and recovery microcycles are used. They provide for an increase and decrease in the volume and intensity of the means used, a change in the nature of the exercises. Reducing the training load and switching to the other nature of muscle activity have a certain physiological meaning. It consists in the fact that low-intensity exercises help optimize recovery processes, provide more effective elimination of local and general fatigue: blood circulation in the muscles, tissue metabolism increase, and small loads of a different energy orientation are better used. For the further development of physical culture and sports, training and education of athletes, it is necessary to constantly search for new approaches to the organization of the educational process, taking into account the rapidly changing requirements of sports training.
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