Influence of the development of speed and power abilities in young basketball players on the effectiveness of performing technical techniques of protection

Keywords: young basketball players, speed and power abilities, efficiency, defense technique


Abstract: the article talks about the need to develop the speed and power abilities of young basketball players, since they are basic and effectively affect the technique of performing defensive techniques. The quality of the game depends on the ability to compete with the opponent during the defense, which includes jumps, rebounds, interceptions and offensive passes. Purpose: to increase the efficiency of the implementation of defense techniques by introducing techniques for the development of speed-strength abilities in young basketball players.

Organization and methods. The pedagogical experiment was held from September to December 2019 in the conditions of training sessions for basketball players from 2007–2008. (boys), on the basis of MBU secondary school No. 1 of the city of Kirov. The study involved 20 basketball players, 10 people in the control and experimental groups. In the pedagogical experiment, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical experiment; control tests; mathematical and statistical methods for processing the obtained data.

Results. In the test, an upward jump with a wave of hands in the EG showed an increase in the result by 16.3%, in the CG - by 2.7%. The average value in the long jump improved in the CG by 0.7%, and in the EG by 9.9 %. Jumping up from one step with one foot push and touching the

markings with the hand increased in the CG by 5.8%, and in the EG by 18.5%. In the test of movement in a 6x5 stance, the result in the CG improved by 0.2 points, and in the EG by 1.6 points. Assessment of protective actions during a 1x1 game in the CG increased by 0.5 points, in the EC - by 1.8 points. The average assessment of the efficiency of movements and jumps of the CG improved by 0.8 points, in the EC - by 1.9 points (p <0.05). Conclusion The results obtained suggest that the development of speed-power abilities in young basketball players have a positive effect on the effectiveness of the implementation of defense techniques.


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Author Biographies

Petrova Tatyana Alekseevna, Vyatka state University

student Vyatka state University

Vavilov Alexey Leonidovich, Vyatka state University

Associate Professor,  candidate of pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite
Petrova T. A., Vavilov A. L. Influence of the development of speed and power abilities in young basketball players on the effectiveness of performing technical techniques of protection // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 138-148. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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