Keywords: preschool children, posture, physical exercises, physical culture and health activities, morbidity, musculoskeletal system


The purpose of the study is to justify the need to develop a technology for fitness classes with a focus on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in older preschoolers.

Materials and research methods. The study was carried out in 2019-2020 on the basis of MBDOU "Center for the Development of the Child - Kindergarten No. 22" and "Kindergarten of the Combined Type No. 74" of the city of Chita (as part of the innovative project "Technologies for the implementation of the health-creating function of physical education of preschool children"). The study of the level of health, level of physical fitness and assessment of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system was carried out in 143 preschool children; the methods used were: analysis of educational process planning documents, health certificates of pupils; questioning of parents to identify awareness in the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system; pedagogical testing of strength endurance of the abdominal muscles and flexibility; pedagogical ascertaining experiment; biomedical methods: somatoscopy, shoulder indicator, plantography according to V.A. Streater; methods of mathematical statistics.

The results of the study. A predominant number of children with group II health is noted. In 43% of the studied preschoolers, posture disorders were detected, in 60.3% of children there are signs of flat feet. The level of development of strength endurance of the abdominal muscles and flexibility is noted as average in 70% of preschool children. In the structure of childhood morbidity, diseases of the respiratory system (15%) and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system (16%) predominate. The results of the survey indicate that parents are sufficiently informed about the prevention of posture and foot disorders in children, but at the same time, their lack of willingness to independently carry out this process.

Findings. The development of technology for physical education and health classes, taking into account the age-related morphological and functional characteristics of children, is a necessary component, the action of which is aimed at optimizing the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of older preschoolers. Ensuring the optimal level of motor activity of children should be taken into account when developing experimental technology. In the developed technology, the guiding role should be assigned to the instructor of physical education, children, parents, and teachers should become active subjects.


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Author Biographies

Shibayeva Anna Alexandrovna, Zabaykalsky state University

candidate of pedagogical Sciences

Ovchinnikova Elena Ivanovna, Zabaykalsky state University

associate Professor, candidate of pedagogical Sciences

Khalimova Anastasia Mikhailovna, Zabaykalsky state University



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How to Cite
Shibayeva A. A., Ovchinnikova E. I., Khalimova A. M. PREVENTION OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN OF THE TRANS-BAIKAL TERRITORY // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 246-254. URL:
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