Influence of changes in health status on stress tolerance in students
Abstract. Each person has their own initial health status, which affects their body's response to stress. Stress tolerance was assessed in students with various health conditions: students with scoliosis, obesity, visual impairment, and students without diseases. A total of 160 students aged 19 to 21 took part in the study. All the subjects were divided into 4 groups of 40 people each. The first group consisted of students with visual impairment, the second-with scoliosis, the third-with obesity, and the fourth – students who do not have diseases. All of them were tested for stress resistance according to the method described by Y.V. Scherbatykh in the book "Рsychology of stress" in 2005. The dependence between the state of health and stress resistance of students is revealed. The majority of students with scoliosis, obesity, and visual impairment had a low level of stress tolerance. Healthy students had a normal level of stress tolerance. The majority of students with a low level of stress tolerance belonged to the group of students with scoliosis. The group of healthy students was the most resistant to stress.
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