Keywords: aggression, aggressive behavior, types of aggressive reaction, coping strategies, athletes


Mixed martial arts (MMA) as a sport is associated with violence, the manifestationof various types of aggression, the education of potential aggressors, and so on. It is necessary todistinguish between healthy athletic aggression and aggression, which is destructive and damagingin nature. The category “aggression” is a sufficiently studied phenomenon, the study of which is thework of both foreign and domestic authors. The theories of A. Bass, J. Dollard, and the research ofA. Frody, J. McCord, and others are widely known. Different approaches distinguish various causesof aggression. Coping behavior as a way of regulating emotions and behavior is described in detailby R. Lazarus, coping strategies are highlighted.The aim of the study was to compare the level of aggressiveness and the repertoires of thecoping strategies of MMA fighters and young men who are not involved in sports. The Bass-Darkiquestionnaire of aggressiveness and hostility and the R. Lazarus and S. Folkman questionnaire wereused to obtain data. Mathematical data processing was carried out using the software package forstatistical data processing SPSS 20.00. Methods used: Mann-Whitney U-test for independent samples.Significant differences were found between fighters and youth who are not involved in sports, on thescales: “indirect aggression”, and “annoyance” (Bass-Darki questionnaire), as well as on the scales:“search for social support”, “positive reassessment”, “acceptance of responsibility” (questionnaire byR. Lazarus and S. Folkman). The results obtained indicate that the level of aggression of young menengaged in mixed martial arts is lower than that of young men who are not involved in sports, whichis associated with a large number of coping strategies. Athletes have more resources to cope withaggression and its manifestations, so that athletes better manage their condition, avoiding deviationsin behavior. Unlike athletes, according to the results of the study, young men who are not involvedin sports have much less coping strategies, therefore, we can say that it is more difficult for them tocontrol and adjust their behavior when experiencing aggression.


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Author Biographies

Chizhova Ekaterina Alexsandrovna, Altai State University


Fokina Natalya Vladimirovna, Altai State University



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How to Cite
Chizhova E. A., Fokina N. V. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR AND RESOURCES FOR COPING WITH ATHLETES INVOLVED IN MIXED MARTIAL ARTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 90-98. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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