The development of strength abilities of swimmers aged 14-16 years using the method of special exercises

Keywords: swimming, technique, swimmers, boys 14-16 years old, power abilities


Annotation. At present, the level of indicators of development of power abilities determines the sports result in swimming in many ways. During competitions, as well as the training process, very often you can see how swimmers reduce the speed of swimming, during the distance, especially in the middle or end, this is due to the fact that the athlete shortens the stroke, reduces the pace of swimming, resulting in the result itself. The speed of swimming, which determines the final result of an athlete, is directly related to the level of development of physical qualities, but the main indicator is the level of development of power abilities. Therefore, to increase the level of strength abilities of swimmers, it is necessary to perform special exercises. Many years of practical experience and scientific research in recent years largely contribute to the formation and further development of modern methods of special strength training for swimmers, which is based on the development of strength abilities. Currently, there is a lot of scientific and methodological literature about the basics of swimming, but the question of the development of power abilities is not disclosed enough. In swimming, they note the importance of strength and offer various methods and means for its development, but there are no recommendations for its implementation, i.e. there is no specific dosage, what is the duration, etc. This article describes the problem of the need to develop an experimental technique for the development of power swimmers 14-16 years old. The special significance of this method is that special exercises aimed at developing the strength abilities of swimmers should be performed both on land and on water, taking into account various means, methods, and forms of organizing training sessions. Analyzes literary sources, developed a special set of exercises, identified research methods: analysis of scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, mathematical-statistical methods of data processing: student's t - test and during the pedagogical experiment the developed method proved to be effective.



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Author Biographies

Kursanova Ekaterina Viktorovna , Vyatka state University


Anfilatova Olga Viktorovna , Vyatka state University

associate Professor of the Department of sports disciplines and adaptive physical culture, candidate of pedagogics


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How to Cite
Kursanova E. V., Anfilatova O. V. The development of strength abilities of swimmers aged 14-16 years using the method of special exercises // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 76-85. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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