Health factor in the education of physical qualities of students-athletes engaged in wrestling

  • Zhanar Amangeldinovna Usina Pavlodar pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: Wellness effect, Wellness coefficient, championship in wrestling


The purpose of this research fragment was to identify and justify the effectiveness of health improvement in the education of various physical qualities on the example of student-athletes engaged in wrestling.

Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of special literature, questionnaire survey and interviews with coaches and athletes, pedagogical observations, preliminary pedagogical, natural pedagogical experiment, testing of physical fitness and determining the functional state of the athlete, registration of competitive activities, methods of mathematical statistics.

The research was conducted among students-athletes of PPU, who were divided into 4 equal groups of 18-20 people each. Classes were held in the wrestling hall.

The results of the study show that the changes are significant for tests in all groups, but the highest indicators of physical and functional capabilities were found in groups 11 and 12. These data indicate the greatest importance of physical qualities of endurance and strength for wrestlers in improving sports skills.

However, the greatest health effect in the education of basic physical qualities in wrestlers is provided by the work on the generally accepted system of training (FC-13) and endurance (FC-12).

According to the competition Protocol, there are more prizes in the experimental group FC-12. On the basis of theoretical and practical materials on wrestling it is revealed that the main physical qualities for wrestlers are strength, endurance and speed in combination with power and speed-power endurance.




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Author Biography

Zhanar Amangeldinovna Usina , Pavlodar pedagogical University

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, teacher of the higher school "Art and sports" 


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How to Cite
Usina Z. A. Health factor in the education of physical qualities of students-athletes engaged in wrestling // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 166-172. URL:
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