The article presents the results of theoretical understanding and empirical researchof the role of the twin situation in the psychological health of preschool twins. Psychological healthis associated with the harmonious development of the personality, which is difficult in the twinsituation due to the frequent rivalry between twins. The aim of the scientific work was to identifythe relationship between the level of self-esteem, the level of claims and aggression in the contextof the psychological health of preschool twins. The study involved 50 pairs of preschool twins.A complex of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods was used as a diagnostic tool for theimplementation of the research goal, including observation of play activities, assessment of the levelof aspirations, the use of the “What I am” methodology. Bogdanova. For mathematical and statisticaldata processing, we used: one-way analysis of variance, Spearman’s correlation analysis. As a resultof the study, it was proved that as a result of a special social developmental situation associated with unique intra-pair interactions, preschool twins often have a competitive relationship in whichaggressive behavior is manifested. Differences in the level of claims and self-esteem in twins in low,medium and high levels of aggression were revealed. It has been proven that aggressive behaviorof preschool twins is associated with a high level of claims and low self-esteem of preschoolers. Lowself-esteem increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in preschool twins. As a result of the highlevel of aspiration, twins often have low results in their own activities, which leads to the appearanceof aggressive forms of behavior. The authors emphasize that the psychological health of preschooltwins should be in the area of close attention of teachers of preschool educational institutions in viewof their special social developmental situation, which creates conditions for competition.
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