Keywords: dental terminology, term-forming mechanism, metaphorization, English/Bulgarian terminological units, metaphorical models and sub-models


Objectives of the work: to summarize all the mechanisms for creating a database of dental terminology; first of all, metaphorization of common vocabulary; to form metaphorical models and submodels in the English and Bulgarian terminology of personal medicine;to focus on the practical value of the study (teaching and learning English and Bulgarian dentalterminology, giving lectures on general linguistics and applied dental terminology, increasinglinguistic competence of dental specialists). Materials and research methods. 173 monosyllabicand compound English and Bulgarian metaphorical terms (including synonymous variantsof both languages) have been collected at random from various specialized editions. Methodsof definition analysis, conceptual integration, cognitive analysis, component analysis andmetaphorical modelling have been applied. Discussion and results of the study. A briefdescription of the main mechanisms of term formation in dental medicine (lexico-semantic,lexico-morphological, lexico-syntactic and word borrowing) is given. The emphasis is onmetaphorization, which underlies the structure and conceptualization of entire knowledgesystems in specialized domains. Based on the metaphorical nomination, interactionof specialized domains and metaphorical mapping, the considered dental terminology hasbeen divided into anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic metaphorical modelsand sub-models: „Person”, „Construction and Architecture”, „Living conditions”, „Foodstuffs”,„Space and Time”, „Mythology and Folklore”, „Natural components”, „Aqua”, „Colour andHue”, „Acoustics”, etc. Conclusions. The following conclusions have been made: 1. Identifying,descriptive and nominative functions of dental terminology. 2. Four basic term formationmethods: lexico-semantic, lexico-morphological, lexico-syntactic and word borrowingare available. 3. Metaphorization as an extremely productive lexico-semantic process indental terminology (by means of a metaphorical mapping). 4. Metaphorization contributionto knowing and conceptualizing reality in dental science. 5. Providing a specializedcommunication strategy by metaphorization (based on dialogicity).


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Author Biography

Taneva Svetlana Yordanova, Medical University- Sofia

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health. Medical University


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How to Cite
Taneva S. Y. BASIC MECHANISMS OF DENTAL MEDICINE TERMINOLOGY // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 38-45. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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