Introduction. Over the past few decades, the motor activity development of a person has been dominated by the processes of hypokinesia, which is certainly the reason for the decrease in the level of his physical condition and, as a consequence, the progress of the associated so-called “diseases of civilization” in the majority of representatives of the modern world community, including in the rural population . The second law of J.B. Lamarck's concept of biological adaptation allows us to assert the direct relationship of these phenomena, since the functional state of most systems of a living organism depends directly on the intensity and intensity of the individual's motor-activity interaction with the surrounding biogeosociocenosis. The development of innovative pedagogical methods for diagnosing a person’s motor-behavioral activity, which are generally accessible, informative and easy to implement, would make it possible to more effectively plan, form and maintain his motor sphere in the modern world at a health-providing level. Purpose of the study: development and testing of innovative methods for pedagogical diagnostics of motor-behavioral activity of rural residents. Material. The study was carried out on the basis of 24 institutions of general secondary education in the Brest, Grodno and Minsk regions of the Republic of Belarus on a contingent of 4135 people aged 6 to 75 years, who are subjects of the educational space of a rural school. Methods. The study was based on methods of everyday pedagogical control (keeping a diary) of motor activity (step measurement), motor passivity (chronometry of the duration of sedentary activities) and postural control (counting posture corrections) of rural residents; analysis of descriptive statistics of empirical indicators of pedagogical testing; theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific research literature and the results of our own research. Results: an innovative methodology for pedagogical diagnostics of human motor-behavioral activity was developed and tested and an assessment of the daily motor regime of the rural community of the Republic of Belarus was carried out. A comprehensive pedagogical assessment of the individual rank of motor-behavioral activity of subjects of the educational space of a rural school was 2.74% out of 100 possible or 1 point (low level).
Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the innovative methodology for pedagogical diagnostics of motor-behavioral activity of subjects of the educational space of a rural school is publicly available, quite informative and easy to implement, which is the basis for its mass application in the field of physical education on the basis of general secondary education institutions in rural areas. Analysis of descriptive statistics allows us to conclude that the motorbehavioral interaction of subjects of the educational space of a rural school with the modern rural biogeosociocenosis is at a low level. This can lead to a significant decrease in the function of the main systems of the human body and, as a consequence, to regression of the function of the motoractivity sphere of the personality of the rural population as a whole.
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