• Ekaterina Chizhova Altai State University Email: chizhova001@bk.ru
  • Tatyana Taburova Altai State University Email: taburova@mail.ru
  • Darya Kulagina Altai State University Email: psy.daria.kulagina@gmail.com
Keywords: high-performance sports, emotional burnout, overtraining, emotional disorders, stress


Due to the increased demands on the personality of high-class athletes, highperformance sports are often defined as an extreme type of activity. The extremity in the sport of higher achievements is due to objective factors: high physical and emotional loads, limitations inherent in the training period, dangerous situations, harsh conditions for team selection and precompetitive training, as well as high competition characteristic of any sport. All this can usually lead athletes to various emotional disorders, including emotional burnout and overtraining syndrome. Despite the wide interest in sports psychology, there is a lack of research aimed at studying the emotional characteristics of high-class athletes. The problem of psychological preparation of athletes for competitive performances has also been poorly studied. In this regard, the aim of the study is to study the overtraining syndrome in high-performance sports. Since neglecting the recommendations regarding the stages of training and not taking into account the peculiarities of stress in an athlete, the risk of developing various emotional and physical disorders increases, which as a result can lead to an early end to a sports career and long-term comprehensive rehabilitation. The study of the emotional state of athletes was carried out using the following methods of collecting empirical data: the Hospital scale of depression and anxiety (HADS), Self-assessment of mental states (G. Aizenk), the method of determining the dominant state: a short version (L.V. Kulikov). Mathematical and statistical methods of data processing: Mann-Whitney U-criterion, Kraskel-Wallis criterion. Data processing was carried out using the statistical data processing software package "SPSS" 23. 


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Chizhova , Altai State University

Assistant at the Department of Clinical Psychology

Tatyana Taburova , Altai State University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology

Darya Kulagina , Altai State University

Lecturer at the Department of Clinical Psychology


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How to Cite
Chizhova E., Taburova T., Kulagina D. OVERTRAINING SYNDROME IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE SPORTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 34, № 2. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/15365.
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