The delegation of the functions of individualizing the learner in the context of the mirror of individualization

  • Dmitry Viktorovich Belousko Altai state University Email:
Keywords: individualisation, elegation individuality-lactation functions obuchalsya, mirror customization, personality, individualizing conditions


The article shows the place and importance of delegation of individualizing functions to the student in the implementation of mirror individualization.

The challenges of modernity are increasingly encouraging to develop pedagogical tools that have the ability to influence the whole personality. In this vein, the search for practical embodiments of "personal" individualization in the General form characterized by the possibility of achieving a certain depth of pedagogical influences is very relevant. One of the options for the construction of such a system is the mirror individualization, which involves the rejection of direct consideration of the individual characteristics of the student and the construction of individualizing conditions that encourage the subject of training to act in accordance with individual potentials, to act individually, to reveal individuality. This provides an individualized way to achieve pedagogical results. The most important element of mirror individualization is the mechanism of delegation of individualizing functions to the student. Its essence lies in the fact that in the construction of certain conditions the student reveals his individual potential. This ensures the construction of individualization from the learner as an individual, personality and subject of activity, allows to humanize the learning process.  It turns out that the deployment of mirror individualization of the subject of training is left alone with a mirror reflection of their own individual characteristics in the psychological and pedagogical field of activity. While the task of the teacher to create the necessary pedagogical conditions. This practice, on the one hand, will have a beneficial effect on the level of depth of individualization, will allow to operate more subtly its factors, on the other – will help to reduce efforts to organize the pedagogical process. The embodiment of the idea of delegation of individualizing functions allows you to assign the performance of these functions to the subject with the maximum capacity to fully implement them – the student himself. The indicated logic of individualization implies the indirect influence of the teacher on this process, which requires the introduction of some additional individualizing operators. Thus you can see that the dominance of indirect effects and individualizing the delegation individualizing features students two major organizational side mirror of individualization. Their importance is dictated by the presence of invariant factors of human life, the key laws of the existence of society, the basic requirements of humanistic pedagogy


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Author Biography

Dmitry Viktorovich Belousko , Altai state University

The candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of physical education


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How to Cite
Belousko D. V. The delegation of the functions of individualizing the learner in the context of the mirror of individualization // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 2(13). P. 25-31. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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