Ɗe article updates the study of human psychological health in the context of life prospects. Features of life prospects of men and women with high and low quality of psychological health are described. Ɗe study was attended by 120 men and women aged 35–45, 60 respondents with high quality psychological health and 60 respondents with low quality psychological health. Ɗe collection of scientiĘc data was carried out through the following psychodiagnostic tools: “Time Perspective Inventory” (F. Zimbardo); “Psychological Autobiography” (E. U. Korzhova); “Motivational Induction Method” (J. Nutten); Scale “Emotional assessment of life prospects’ (I. A. Ralnikov); “Questionnaire of Copying Methods’ (R. Lazarus, S. Foxman), questionnaire “Life Style Index” (R. Plutchik, G. Kellerman), Self-Accumulation Test (L. J. Gozman, M. V. Croz, M. V. Latinskaja), “Psychological Well-being Scale” (K. Riş). As methods of mathematical and statistical processing of data were procedures of calculation of nonparametric criterion of average dişerence. Ɗere are Mann-Whitney U-criterion and correlation analysis. As a result of quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data, it is shown that in men and women with high quality psychological health, the future becomes a more signiĘcant time segment of the life path than in the past. Ɗeir life prospects are saturated with a variety of expected events. Men and women were more optimistic about the future than the present and the past, assuming that the period would be positive. Ɗey have a long life perspective, a focus on planning dişerent stages of life prospects: near (up to a year), middle (from a year to Ęve years) and far (from Ęve years). At the same time, planning for a long-term future is most important. Men and women with poor psychological health believe that the future is the least signiĘcant period of life compared to the past and present. Ɗeir image of the future has a weak event saturation, the length of the life perspective is reduced, the trend of planning only the near future dominates. Ɗe men and women of this group showed ambivalence towards a future in which pessimism prevails. Ɗe results show signs of deformation of life prospects of men and women with low quality of psychological health, who objectify themselves in the following phenomena: “event dispersion,” “deterioration”, “denigration of the future, “weakening of life prospects design”.
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