One of the most important conditions for human life is maintaining coordination ofmovements. Many parts of the central nervous system take part in the control of movements, thechange in the functional state of which affects the organization of movements. Through varioussensory systems (including through the visual), our brain receives feedback about the process ofdeviation from the vertical. Visual stimulation is one of the methods for correcting the functional stateof the brain. It is known that different colors and the frequency of stimulation have a multidirectionaleffect on humans. The response to color stimulation of the bioelectric activity of the brain in aselected frequency range leads to the formation of a given functional state. In particular, duringphotostimulation in the alpha EEG range (8–14 Hz), the subjects show positive shifts in their health,activity, mood, and anxiety levels, and the level of stress decreases.The study was conducted in the morning with the voluntary participation of 29 Altai StateUniversity students aged 18 to 22 years of different sexes. A total of 116 experiments were conductedto study the effect of color photostimulation on coordination of movements.The article presents the results of a study of the effects of photostimulation in red, green andblue on the performance indicators of coordination of movements on the stabilograph platform. Thetarget test was used.The results obtained indicate that photostimulation with green and blue at a frequency of 10 Hzhad an optimizing effect on the functional state of the subjects’ brains, which led to an increase inthe efficiency of their targeted movements, i. e. a person better controlled and controlled his bodycompared to a situation where stimulation was not carried out. A more significant improvement inmotor coordination was observed when using green for these purposes.The results of the study can be used to study the possibilities of improving coordination ofmovements by photostimulation in green in the areas of human activity associated with motor activity
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