The valeological, hygienical and medical aspects of the use of domestic filters are studied for water treatment among the student young people of city Grodno. Frequency of met of positive and negative effects is analysed in the change of the state of health of consumers of drinking-water depending on frequency of replacement of cartridges of filters for water treatment. The results of a survey of 254 residents of the regional center of Belarus: 137 Belarusian 117 foreign students served as the material for the study.
It is educed, that 45% Belarussian and 33% of foreign students use domestic filters for water treatment, advantage is given to the filters: Brita, Barrier, Akvafor. Changing of cartridges the Belarussian students produce mainly from 1 to 6 one time per a year, foreign — to 2 one time per a year. Conformities to law of influence of frequency of changing of cartridges are educed on a skin and horny educations. Frequency of met of negative effects for the Belarussian students from the side of skin and hair higher with the increase of frequency of replacement of cartridges. For foreign students, with the increase of frequency of replacement of cartridges in filters vice versa the amount of positive effects increases and the negative are absent.
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