Alternative drop-set – occlusion eccentric-ballistic method
Annotation. This article talks about a method that combines the following elements: 1) the pace of execution; 2) the KAATSU method; 3) drop-set. The rate of movement is one of the most important training variables. After all, many motor activities, whether in sports of higher achievements or in physical culture, take place in a shorter time interval than the muscles on the way to obtaining maximum production of force. The pace of implementation is an very important factor, related to the development of power capabilities, muscle hypertrophy, the time of finding the muscle under the training load, metabolic and hormonal reactions, as well as to muscle activation. Occlusive training has a high potential for application not only in general physical culture, but also in physical rehabilitation. Modern fundamental and clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of occlusive training, which is able to increase strength capabilities, increase muscle size. With the use ofocclusive training, accumulation of metabolites leads to an increase in the recruitment of muscle fibers of the second type, and increased activation and synthesis of muscle protein stimulate the production of growth hormone. The KAATSU provides the right degree of tension, along with this without provoking an increase in blood pressure. Low-intensity training combined with muscle occlusion provides stimulation of mTORC1 activity and muscle protein synthesis in elderly men. Drop-sets are popular in the practice of strength training and it has very logical arguments: 1) an increase in the volume of the load; 2) Greater recruitment of muscle fibers. Of course, from the security point of view, training to failure is not a correct and effective way to achieve results in force training. But conventionally the concept of "failure" can be divided into several types: the natural limit (this is the termination of the approach for 1-2 repetitions before the failure), failure and super-powerful failure (for example, the method of forced repetitions implies such execution). The first type is the most optimal on the way to the development of muscle strength and hypertrophy. In this brief report proposed a modified version of the drop-sets.
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