The Journal Health, Physical Culture and Sports was created in 2015. The founders of the magazine are Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia).

The first issue of the journal was published on June 24, 2015 as a collection of scientific papers following the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Human Health, Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports". The conference was held at Altai State University. As a periodical, the journal has been published since November 2015.

The journal publishes original articles on a wide range of areas of maintaining human health, physical education, considered from the standpoint of pedagogical, medical, and social sciences.

The journal covers a wide range of areas:

-Pedagogical, socio-philosophical issues of spiritual and physical culture

-Biomedical problems of human health

-Wellness and adaptive physical education

-Рhysical education in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

-Physical fitness and sports activities


The Journal Health, Physical Culture and Sports  has online versions, comes out four times a year in electronic form , the latter is managed with the Open Journal Systems (OJS). All articles are distributed online and free of cost (Open Access).

The frequency of release is 4 times a year.

Placement of the electronic journal: June, September, December, March.

Journal sections

Psychological and pedagogical, social and philosophical issues of spiritual and physical culture
Biomedical problems of human health
Physical training, sports and tourism

The journal may include additional sections:

Analytical Reviews
Reviews, reviews and short messages
The life and works of prominent people: history and modernity

The journal accepts articles on topics according to the nomenclature of scientific specialties for which academic degrees in the Russian Federation are awarded.
13.00.02 Theory and methodology of training and education (by region and level of education)
13.00.04 Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, wellness and adaptive physical education
13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education
02.14.03 Public health and healthcare
03.14.11 Restorative medicine, sports physiotherapy exercises, balneology and physiotherapy
02.14.01 - hygiene
02.14.06 - medical and social expertise and rehabilitation

The Journal accepts articles in Russian and English.

Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal Editors followed the recommendations of:
Elsevier publisher (download PDF);
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (download PDF); RETRACTION GUIDELINES - COPE);
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (more... Conflicts of Interest)(more... Recommendations)(more... Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors).