• Ivan Bocharin Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
  • Maksim Guryanov Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
  • Andrey Martusevich Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:


ᚇe purpose of the study in this paper was to compare the bioimpedance indicators of students with body weight deviations depending on gender. Among a large contingent of 㽼rst-year students, subjects with body weight deviations in the direction of de㽼ciency or excess were identi㽼ed. ᚇe study included the results of a survey of 225 㽼rst-year students of the Volga Research Medical University (PIMU), aged 18–19 years, who were divided by gender into groups of boys, in the number of 71 representatives, and girls, in the number of 154 people. ᚇe study was conducted in the middle of the school day, in a calm state (during the inter-session period, outside the days of passing tests or colloquiums). To determine the bioimpedance parameters, the “Medical So䯆” sports testing system was used. For monitoring, such anthropometric parameters as height, weight, chest circumference were determined, on the basis of which the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. In particular, the data provided by the hardware cosplex were used: active cellular resistance, reactive resistance, phase angle, fat mass (LM), lean mass (TM), active cell mass, total 좴uid, waist-hip volume ratio, basal metabolism. ᚇe data analysis was correlated with age standards. ᚇe data was analyzed in accordance with the age standards. Statistical data processing was performed in the Statistica 6.0 so䯆ware package. It was found that the absolute and relative fat mass were recorded in a lower value in young men with insuᚇcient body weight, and in a greater value — in overweight girls. ᚇe parameters of cellular resistance were observed higher in overweight girls compared with similar parameters of young men. Also, regardless of the gender attribute, the absolute lean mass was recorded in smaller quantities in students with a weight de㽼cit, but relative indicators were observed in a smaller range only in overweight girls, which may indicate a reduced content of muscle mass. Absolute indicators of the parameters of cell mass and basal metabolism were recorded in signi㽼cantly large cases among students with increased body weight, regardless of gender, which may indicate the possibility of hunger in them. At the same time, a signi㽼cantly higher indicator in overweight male students had a phase angle, which may indicate a higher muscle performance and a high metabolic rate, in comparison with the parameters of girls. Consequently, the conducted complex hardware testing showed the features of the component composition of the body, as well as the metabolic and energy processes of the body, taking into account the gender attribute and the results of the analysis by the bioimpedance method.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Bocharin, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Senior teacher of the department of physical culture and sport,  PhD student of the department of physiology and biochemistry, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy

Maksim Guryanov, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in medical science, Associate Professor, Head of the department of physical culture and sport

Andrey Martusevich , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in biological science, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Medical Biophysics, professor of the department of physiology and biochemistry, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy 


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How to Cite
Bocharin I., Guryanov M., Martusevich A. COMPARISON OF BIOIMPEDANCE INDICATORS OF SPECIAL MEDICAL GROUP STUDENTS WITH BODY WEIGHT DEVIATIONS DEPENDING ON GENDER // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 23, № 3. P. 39-48. URL:
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