Emotional and value aspects of the internal model of health in young people

  • Ekaterina Mikhalchi Institute of Business Studies of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Email: missi-ice@rambler.ru
Keywords: internal model of health, fear, basic values, hierarchy of diseases, health disorders.


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the emotional and value aspects of the internal model of health of modern young people. In order to assess the intensity of fear, as an expression of the emotional aspect of the internal model of health, a list of the most frightening diseases and disorders in human health, according to young people, was analyzed. Next, the participants in the study determined which basic values, first of all, the person suffering from the most frightening disease would lose. Thus, hierarchies of the most frightening diseases and values were obtained, the probability of losing which is greatest in people with these diseases. Further, the relationship between different types of diseases and disorders in health and the values that a sick person will lose in the first place, according to young people, were determined. The results of the study made it possible to determine the intensity of young people’s fear of various diseases and the importance of personal and social values included in the value aspect of the internal model of health, to characterize their perception of diseases and attitudes towards health.


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How to Cite
Mikhalchi E. Emotional and value aspects of the internal model of health in young people // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 25, № 1. P. 15-23. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/11143.
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