УДК 613.4–057.875

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, students, physical development, international scientific Internet conferences


Objective: The purpose of this work is to summarize the experience of organizing andconducting international scientific and practical Internet conferences “Modern Problems of Formationof Students' Healthy Lifestyle” at the Belarusian State University. Material and research methods. Thework was carried out at the Belarusian State University at the Department of Human Ecology in 2020.The materials of Internet conferences held by the Department of Human Ecology on the electronicplatform for Internet conference sites were analyzed. Research methods: analytical, electronic databasecollection. We used the texts of reports of Internet conferences “Modern Problems of Formation ofStudents' Healthy Lifestyle”, comments on the Conference Forum, links to views of materials publishedin the Electronic Library of the Belarusian State University. The results of the study. The Internetconferences implemented by the Department of Human Ecology at the Faculty of Socio-culturalCommunication of the Belarusian State University allow you to define the most relevant problems andthe means of formation of healthy lifestyle of young people: low level of physical development due tothe negative influence of ecology; active forms of physical activities and the formation of a culture ofhealth among students are recommended as means of health promotions. It is important to note thatthe authors of the reports focus on the need to take comprehensive preventive measures to promote ahealthy lifestyle of students and the safety of the educational environment. Conclusions. With the riseof information technologies in the education system, some changes occur in the process of exchangingscientific information, obtaining knowledge, creating unique content in the field of problems offormation of student's healthy lifestyle. Telecommunications technologies and international scientificand practical Internet conferences are one of the appropriate ways to spread scientific achievements inthe field of introducing young people to a healthy lifestyle.


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Statistics of views of materials of the International scientific and practical Internet conference “Modern problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among students”, April 10–12, 2019. URL: https://elib. bsu.by/handle/123456789/228416/statistics (Accessed on: 05.08.2020) (in Belarus).
How to Cite
Pantiouk I. V. EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL INTERNET CONFERENCES “MODERN PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS” HEALTHY LIFESTYLE’ // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 20, № 4. P. 17-25 DOI: 10.14258/zosh(2020)4.03. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/4.03.
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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