УДК 796.011.1

Keywords: sport, moral guidelines, the formation of morality, consumer values, spiritual and moral education, moral norms, ethical values


The article examines the role of sport as one of the means capable of purposefullyinfluencing the formation of ideas about moral norms, spiritual values and moral behavior of aperson. In the process of searching for the means that can change the situation of the formationof morality in childhood and youth, an attempt was made to identify the main value orientationsof the young generation, to determine the main factors influencing the formation of spiritual andmoral qualities of a person, to consider the educational and the ideological roles of sports in theformation of spiritual and moral qualities. We used such research methods as the scrutiny of scientific,methodological and special literature, questionnaires, monitoring, analysis, synthesis, generalization.The research part of the article is presented by the results of a survey conducted in 2020 on the basisof the sports and recreation complex of Altai State University, in which 225 students of the 4th yearof the full-time department took part. In the course of the study, conclusions were drawn aboutthe priority values in the worldview of modern youth, their attitude to art or sports in the processof personality development and in the formation of its value benchmarks was studied. Also, thestudents» attitude to the biographies of outstanding athletes and films about sports achievements asa means of moral education was considered. The pedagogical analysis of the research was carried out.It is concluded that sport proceeds as a special type of cultural activity of a person, serves the goalsof personal and professional development, self-realization, self-knowledge and self-improvement,and also contributes to the solution of a whole range of educational tasks aimed not only at physicalimprovement, but also at moral, aesthetic, intellectual education of the younger generation. Amongthe results of the study, it is especially noted that most of the students agree with the prevailingeducational role of the biographies of prominent athletes and films about sports achievements, whichcorresponds to the thesis about the ability of sports to purposefully influence the formation of ideasabout moral norms, spiritual values and moral behavior.


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How to Cite
Denisova G. S., Tuzova A. A., Gaydamaka T. A. SPORTS AS A FACTOR IN THE MORALITY FORMATION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 20, № 4. P. 26-33 DOI: 10.14258/zosh(2020)4.04. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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