The article deals with the influence of sleep duration on the human body massindex. For students of sports University, this topic is relevant, as well-composed and brought to thesystematic mode of the day plays a very important role in achieving the desired result and combiningthe sports and training process with training at the University, leading an active student life. As arule, students do not observe the correct sleep and wakefulness, which is why they are at risk for suchdisorders and diseases as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, apnea, hypopnea,low immunity and life support systems. The study used the technique of somatometry to obtain dataon the height, weight of students and the calculation of body mass index. Also, a somnological surveywas conducted to understand how much each student spends time on a daily sleep. Interpreting thedata of the body mass index, it was determined that some students have a body mass deficit (10 %)and in this regard, anemia, reduced immune system function, difficulty in performing physical workare possible. The bulk of students (62 %) have a normal body mass index. But 28 % are at the stage ofpre-obesity or obesity, the main factors of which are the lack of a formed day regimen, insufficient sleep, improper eating behavior. Studying somnological indicators of students it can be observed thatthe majority of respondents have either excess sleep (56 %) or lack of sleep, which is fully interrelatedwith the indicators of body mass index, as analyzing the literature on this topic, researchers prove thatpartial or complete deprivation of sleep significantly affects the weight of the human body weakeningits functional systems, causing hormonal imbalance, disrupting the metabolic rate.
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