Formation of health culture in the process of sports training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers

  • Abramova Valentina Vladimirovna Pridnestrovian T.G. Shevchenko State University Email:
Keywords: sport training, health culture, formation of health culture of wrestlers



Objective: to clarify pedagogical tools and methods that can be used in the process of sports training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers for the purposeful formation of their health culture.

Material and research methods. The work was carried out in 2019 on the basis of children's sports schools in Tiraspol and Rybnitsa (Transnistria). Methods such as observation, survey, modeling, pedagogical experiment were used. An analysis of the diagnosis of the initial level of health culture among schoolchildren involved in the struggle at the training stage (60 people) showed that athletes are motivated, above all, to achieve sports results, value-semantic priorities in relation to health and health conservation are not defined, not formed in full knowledge of health, a healthy lifestyle. To create a culture of health in the process of sports training, an educational and developing environment was created that promotes the formation of motives for caring for one’s health, understanding the value and importance of health for the growth of sportsmanship, the development of the need for self-knowledge, introspection and self-improvement; mastering knowledge and ways of health conservation.

The results of the study. The implementation of the Greco-Roman style wrestlers in the process of sports training, the developed models and methods of forming a health culture, contributed to the acquisition by subjects of knowledge, skills in health preservation and conducting healthy life activities.

Findings. Health culture is a necessary personal education of an athlete. For the formation of a health culture in the process of sports training, the interaction of all interested parties is necessary, aimed at educating athletes of a conscious value-based attitude to health, motivation, knowledge and skills for the implementation of healthy life.


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Author Biography

Abramova Valentina Vladimirovna, Pridnestrovian T.G. Shevchenko State University

Candidate of pedagogy, docent, head department of gymnastics and combat sports


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How to Cite
Abramova V. V. Formation of health culture in the process of sports training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 178-191. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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