Adaptive approaches of medical specialists in working with children - autists in hospital situations

Keywords: autism, medical specialist, awareness, inpatient treatment


Abstract: Autism is a common disruption in the development of brain functions, which prevents a person from organizing and understanding information received through his senses. People with autism have problems with communication and social relationships. Autism occurs on its own or is combined with other disorders, which significantly worsens the clinical picture. This disease is the cause of severe developmental disability, which is diagnosed after three years of age and remains unchanged throughout life.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a suitable model for working with patients with autism during their stay in the hospital in order to facilitate their care and improve the quality of medical care.

Material and methods: Study of scientific literature, materials and publications related to the problem being studied. We used the documentary method and the method of direct observation of the studied objects in the natural environment.

Results: Not enough medical professionals trained to work with autistic people, i.e. those who possess the necessary amount of knowledge about the disease for individual work with each individual patient. Medical care for such patients is difficult due to the specific communication with them or, more precisely, due to the lack thereof. Qualitative disorders in the development of speech are a prerequisite for ineffective communication, which also requires the use of auxiliary forms of communication. This extends the patient care time and requires specific skills and competencies for working with an autistic patient.

Conclusions: Health workers need to increase knowledge about the specifics of the disease and develop skills for working with autistic people.


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Author Biographies

Antoaneta Terzieva, Sofia Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor of Social Medicine and Health Organization Department of Health Care

Nadka Vasilyeva, Sofia Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor of Social Medicine and Health Organization Department of Health Care



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How to Cite
Terzieva A., Vasilyeva N. Adaptive approaches of medical specialists in working with children - autists in hospital situations // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 286-297. URL:
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