Estimation of efficiency of combined therapy of vitamin d deficiency conditions by combining cholecalcipherol drugs and correction of nutritive status

  • Babienko Vladimir Vladimirivich Odessa State Medical University Email:
  • Shanyhin Anton Viktorovich Odessa State Medical University Email:
  • Babich Maiia Sergeevna Odessa State Medical University Email:
Keywords: cholecalciferol, vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency and deficiency, correction of nutritional status, drug therapy




Thanks to the development of modern medical science, every year more and more new functions and mechanisms of action of vitamins are discovered, their role in the development and prevention of many diseases is being reviewed. Today, vitamin D deficiency and deficiency is becoming a pandemic. Therefore, the urgent issue is the study of the mechanisms of development of vitamin D deficient conditions, the role of vitamin D in the development of many diseases, improving the methods of diagnosis and prevention, developing clinical recommendations. Based on the discovery and identification of the role of specific vitamin D receptors (VDR), the pleiotropic effects of vitamin D have been proven. The potential benefits of vitamin D in the fight against aging and the development of age-associated diseases are of great importance. This article provides a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of therapy for vitamin D deficiency conditions by correcting the nutritional status of patients with the inclusion of vitamin D-rich foods in the diet, taking into account the necessary therapeutic dose. Separately, an analysis of combination therapy, vitamin D deficient conditions, involving a combination of cholecalciferol and alimentary correction was performed. To diagnose vitamin D deficiency and deficiency, methods such as questionnaires and laboratory diagnostics (ELISA determination of the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-25 (OH) D in blood serum) were used. Based on the initial results obtained, therapy was assigned individually for each patient. It was found that the combined use of nutritional correction and drug therapy is more effective than dietary therapy without the additional use of cholecalciferol.


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Author Biographies

Babienko Vladimir Vladimirivich, Odessa State Medical University

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of General Hygiene and Ecology Department

Shanyhin Anton Viktorovich, Odessa State Medical University

Assistant of General Hygiene and Ecology Department

Babich Maiia Sergeevna, Odessa State Medical University

medical student


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How to Cite
Babienko V. V., Shanyhin A. V., Babich M. S. Estimation of efficiency of combined therapy of vitamin d deficiency conditions by combining cholecalcipherol drugs and correction of nutritive status // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 17-30. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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