• Vorozheikin Anton Vladimirovich Kaliningrad Institute of Management Email:
  • Volkov Alexey Pavlovich MBU DO DYUSSH № 13 «Kickboxing and hand-to-hand fighting» of Kaliningrad Email:
Keywords: single combats, hand-to-hand combat, sportswomen, long-term preparation, stage of sports training, motivation, motive, goal, need


Given the increased competition in the women’s discipline «hand-to-hand fighting»today the scientific and theoretical substantiation of effective approaches to training athletes atvarious stages of sports training. because of variety of techniques from different types of martialarts, certain rigidity competitive fights, the training process in hand-to-hand combat has a numberof features, and preparation for specific competitive activity requires athletes of a high levelof psychological stability, physical preparedness and technical and tactical skill. It is important thatwhen implementing long-term training of female athletes, none of these aspects can be consideredin isolation, since technical solutions are closely interconnected with physical ones, mentaland tactical abilities of an athlete.

stages is one of the priorities. This is connected in primarily due to the fact that motivation is a key factor indetermining the athlete’s ability for professional growth, high performance and efficiency, and underestimationof the role of motivational factors often becomes an obstacle in realizing the athlete’s potential.The lack of scientific and theoretical research on the study of the motives of sports activities at thestages of many years of training girls in the sport of hand-to-hand combat determined the relevanceof research activities in this area.Within the framework of the study, the focus of female athletes on achieving success and avoiding failures,analyzed the dynamics of motivation sports activity at the stages of long-term training, the most significantmotives for each stage, the level of stability of the girls’ interest was determined to training activities.The results obtained will form the basis of the scientific and theoretical justification many years of trainingin the female discipline of hand-to-hand combat, in particular, will allow correctly place methodological andpsychological accents in the development effective methodology for their long-term training.


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Author Biographies

Vorozheikin Anton Vladimirovich, Kaliningrad Institute of Management

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of InformationTechnologies

Volkov Alexey Pavlovich, MBU DO DYUSSH № 13 «Kickboxing and hand-to-hand fighting» of Kaliningrad



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How to Cite
Vorozheikin A. V., Volkov A. P. RESEARCH OF SPORTS ACTIVITY MOTIVATION AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF LONG-TERM TRAINING GIRLS IN THE FORM OF SPORT HANDFIGHT // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 57-69. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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