• Irina Razvarina Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences Email:
  • Leila Natsun Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences Email:
  • Yulia Shmatova Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences Email:
  • Alexandra Gordievskaya Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences Email:
Keywords: medical and social monitoring, ecological living conditions of families with children, working conditions of mothers, health of newborns


By no means the last place in terms of influence on the reproductive health of women and the health of the unborn child is occupied by professional risk factors - the conditions in which a woman works, because the formation of all human organs and systems occurs during the period of intrauterine development. Occupational risk is an integral part of the environmental risk that affects humans. In this regard, one of the tasks of the medical and social monitoring study "Study of the conditions for the formation of a healthy generation", conducted by scientists of the VolRC RAS (hereinafter monitoring) since 1995, was to identify factors in the formation of the health of newborn children. The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of unfavorable environmental factors on the health of newborns in the Vologda Oblast in the period 2001–2020.


  1. Consider the theoretical aspects of the influence of environmental factors on the health of newborns.
  2. Assess the urgency of environmental problems in the Vologda region.
  3. To analyze the main trends in the number and health status of children in Russia and in the Vologda Oblast in the period 2001–2020.
  4. To analyze the influence of the environmental conditions of the family on the risks of complications of labor and the health of the child in 2001 and 2020.
  5. To assess the impact of negative working conditions of the expectant mother on the course of childbirth and the state of health of the newborn in 2001 and 2020.

It was found that unfavorable environmental conditions of family living have a negative impact on generic activity and the formation of the health of newborn children. Harmful working conditions of the expectant mother are one of the unfavorable factors of complications in childbirth and health problems for children. In these conditions, special attention should be paid to the problem of a safe environment, which is key to ensuring the normal and healthy development of children.


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Author Biographies

Irina Razvarina, Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences

Junior Researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social Sphere Management Problems of the Department for Research of the Level and Lifestyle of the Population, Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences”

Leila Natsun, Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences

Researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social Sphere Management Problems of the Department for Research of the Level and Lifestyle of the Population, Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences”

Yulia Shmatova, Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences

Researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social Sphere Management Problems of the Department for Research of the Level and Lifestyle of the Population, Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences” (VolRC RAS) (Vologda, Russia), candidate of economic sciences.

Alexandra Gordievskaya, Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences

Junior Researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social Sphere Management Problems of the Department for Research of the Level and Lifestyle of the Population, Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences” (VolRC RAS)


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How to Cite
Razvarina I., Natsun L., Shmatova Y., Gordievskaya A. HEALTH RISKS OF NEWBORN BABIES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 39-53. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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